Augmentatic & Alternative Communication
JDB Speech’s highly trained AAC team supports students with complex communication needs and their family/team. Our specialists take into account the needs both in-home and educational settings to provide the most effective recommendation for AAC products and services and trainings to ensure continued success. JDB Speech’s AAC models and strategies allow students to access and participate in the curriculum. We are continually expanding our knowledge and experience within the AAC domain. JDB Speech’s ultimate goal is to build capacity and sustainability of AAC device use and services for all our students to become highly effective communicators within their community.
Assessment, implementation, and documentation using the principles of evidence-based AAC practices with a multimodal approach (high tech, low tech, no tech)
Trainings, demonstrations, and supports to develop the skills and AAC competencies of students, IEP Teams, families, and other communication partners
Incorporation of functional and meaningful goal/objectives that effectively integrate AAC into all educational settings
Technical assistance and support with selecting, set-up, programming, customizing, and troubleshooting AAC equipment
Assistive Technology (AT) may be provided by an Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist, SLP, Teacher of Special Education, or Rehabilitation Engineer with specialized training from an accredited AT program. They analyze the technology needs of the student with disabilities and assist in the selection, customization, and use of adaptive devices to improve functional capabilities. The solutions provided, whether low- or high-tech, are usually designed to enhance communication, mobility, and access to computers, curriculum, and educational materials. AAC is a subset or one type of AT that is specifically used for communication.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) is provided by Speech-Language Pathologists with expertise and training in the area of AAC. They analyze the communication needs of students with disabilities and assist in the selection and implementation of a variety of communication tools and strategies. Only a licensed SLP may submit for third-party funding of AAC devices. They provide training for the communication partners to facilitate communicative success in all settings.